Make Your Own Holy Door

Pope Francis opened the Holy Year by opening the ‘Holy Door’ at Saint Peter’s. And you can open your own ‘Holy Door.’ 

You’ve probably seen on the news how Pope Francis has opened the Holy Year by opening the Holy Door. Those are the center doors at Saint Peter’s in Rome.  And I’m thinking that we can do the same. We can designate – and that’s my suggestion to you – that each of us designates some door: an office door or your house door or a classroom door; some door you go through.  And each time you go through it, bring holiness with you – through that door.  Make that door a holy door.  And one way to remind yourself is to mark it.  Write “HD” on the door; maybe on an index card or a piece of paper, and tape it to the door, to remind you that every time you go through that door you going to bring holiness with you.  Put it on your office, or your classroom, or your house, or any door.  “HD” also stands for High Definition.  And so I think if we do this: we make a holy door and are intent that every time we go through it we bring holiness with us, we will become more and more High Definition Christians.  So, yes, “HD” can stand for ‘Holy Door’ but it can also stand for ‘High Definition.’  Let’s makel this year a holy year and make it a High Definition year.  This could be a great New Year’s resolution.  

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