Make Us Bearers of the Word

Carmelite homily for Wednesday, March 25, 2020 – Lectionary 454 (Luke 1:26-38)

Saint Mary Magdalene D’Pazzi is a Carmelite saint about the same time as Teresa of Avila, but in Italy, in Florence.  She has a famous prayer called ‘Come, Holy Spirit.’  “

Come, Holy Spirit, let the precious pearl of the Father and the Word’s delight come.  Come, Spirit of Truth, you are the reward of the saints, the comforter of souls, light in the darkness, riches to the poor, treasure to lovers, food to the hungry, comfort to those who are wandering; to sum up, you are the one in whom all treasures are contained.  Come, as you descended upon Mary that the Word might become Flesh, work in us through grace as you worked in her through nature and grace.”  

It’s quite the cheeky prayer – that the Annunciation to Mary is the annunciation to us.  We are to be bearers of the Word ourself.  So it’s quite the meditation point as we celebrate this feast of the Annunciation.