Carmelite homily for Tuesday, November 26, 2019 – Lectionary 504
Note: This post is a rerun from Sunday, November 17th, since the Gospel passage, Luke 21:5-11, is the same passage for today.
In today’s Gospel we some super-heavy-duty and scary end of the world scenarios where nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there’ll be earthquakes and plagues and omens in the sky and people will arrest you and haul you before judges. And Jesus says “do not be terrified.” I think John of the Cross says the same thing. He says, “If the whole world should crumble and come to an end and all things go wrong, endure all with tranquility and with peaceful equanimity.” Why? Because it’s all in God’s hands. No matter what happens – today, in your life, in the world, at the end of the world – endure all with tranquility and peaceful equanimity. Great advice.