Bridegroom and Friend

Carmelite homily for Lectionary 496 | Saturday, November 16, 2019

We have a really interesting instruction about prayer in today’s Gospel where Jesus likens it to a widow who goes to a judge demanding justice and he’s unwilling.  So she goes again and again and again till he finally gives in.  But what if that widow went to a friend?  Or what if she went to a spouse?  Wouldn’t she be more apt to get what she needs or is looking for right away?  That may be the instruction here.  John of the Cross says, “Take God for your Bridegroom and Friend.”  Wouldn’t your bridegroom give you something – right away?  Wouldn’t your friend give you something – right away?  Let’s not see God as judge or arbiter or arbitrary gift-giver but let us see God as Bridegroom and Friend.