Goodness and Greatness Right in Front of You

Carmelite homily for Lectionary 467 – Monday, October 14, 2019

Instead of giving you a Carmelite quotation today, I’m going to give you my take on today’s Gospel passage.  The people come to Jesus asking for a sign and he says, “no, because you’re looking for the sign of Jonah like in the time of Nineveh, or the time of Solomon when the Queen of Sheba visited.  You don’t see what’s in front of you.”  I think what they’re doing is they’re living in the past.  Jonah was a great preacher and the people of Nineveh turned their lives around.  Solomon was a great king and the Queen of Sheba and others came from great distances to listen to him.  They’re living in the past.  “We were great then with Jonah; we were great then with Solomon!”  But they are great today with Jesus and they don’t see it.  The call of today’s Gospel is to see the goodness and the greatness right in front of us.