Because Carmel means ‘Garden of God’ this novena is entitled “Gardening Tips from the Garden of God.”
Today’s tip: pruning roses.
Fr Greg, Carmelite priest – blog, homilies, fun and holy ideas
Because Carmel means ‘Garden of God’ this novena is entitled “Gardening Tips from the Garden of God.”
Today’s tip: pruning roses.
Because Carmel means ‘Garden of God’ this novena is entitled “Gardening Tips from the Garden of God.”
Today’s tip: working with little flowers.
Because Carmel means ‘Garden of God’ this novena is entitled “Gardening Tips from the Garden of God.”
Today’s tip: sunflowers.
Carmelite homily for Friday (Week 14), July 10, 2020 – Lectionary 387 (Matthew 10:16-23)
Jesus expects a lot out of us. He expects
And people will oftentimes ask me, ‘but this can get abusive; when do I say no; when do I say that’s enough? Well, today’s Gospel has the answer. Jesus instructs the Twelve when they’re going out with this great bit of advice, “Be shrewd as serpents and simple as doves.” It’s a great piece of advice. What I think it means is simply; yes, do all these things, but don’t be stupid. Yes, be shrewd as serpents; peaceful as doves, but shrewd as serpents. It means don’t be a doormat, don’t be stupid. But be loving, be dove-like, be peaceful. Be like Jesus.
Carmelite homily for Thursday (Week 14), July 9, 2020 – Lectionary 386 (Matthew 10:7-15)
In today’s Gospel Jesus sends out the Twelve Apostles to begin to preach in his name. He gives them four instructions. He says:
But then he gives them a ton of instructions – a lot more – on what they’re supposed to take or not take. Don’t take sandals, don’t take a second tunic, don’t take a backpack, don’t take gold, don’t take silver, don’t take any money, don’t take a walking stick. It just seems like a lot more instructions of what not to do than what to do. Why? I think John of the Cross may have the answer here. John of the Cross writes, “The soul must empty itself of all that is not God in order to go to God.” I think that’s what Jesus is trying to get at here. All this stuff – the walking staff and the money and all that – is about insecurity and security and about power and status and everything. Let that go. Let the stuff go. And just proclaim love. That’s the invitation; that’s the gift; that’s the real instruction to the Twelve.
Carmelite homily for Wednesday (Week 14), July 8, 2020 – Lectionary 385 (Matthew 10:1-7)
everyone here is ‘people’ – you know, with politics going on, and turf going on, and judgmental and maybe gossiping going on. It can get sometimes pretty negative and they’re surprised. In today’s Gospel we have Jesus calling the Twelve. And when you look at these Twelve, you have
It’s a hodgepodge of problems. That’s what people are, but that’s where salvation is. I think that’s the gift and the warning and the instruction of today’s Gospel. Yes, we’re all working towards sanctity, but we start off as people.
Carmelite homily for Tuesday (Week 14), July 7, 2020 – Lectionary 384 (Matthew 9:32-38)
In today’s Gospel we have Jesus very busy. He’s going to, it says, all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and proclaiming that the kingdom of God is at hand. And he sees the crowds. He says that they’re like sheep without a shepherd. Let us pray for shepherds for these people. Saint John of the Cross, in the famous opening of his poem, One Dark Night, writes, “One dark night, fired by love’s urgent longings – ah, the sheer grace – I went out unseen; my house being now all stilled.” Oftentimes we think that is us – me, you – going to search for the Lord, but in today’s Gospel it’s the Lord going out searching to all the towns and villages for us. It works both ways. As we search for God, God searches for us.
Carmelite homily for Monday (Week 14), July 6, 2020 – Lectionary 383 (Matthew 9:18-26)
There’s a quotation from Saint Teresa of Avila that I’ve relied on when the going gets rough. She writes, “When you ask for something difficult you pay God a compliment.” I think that’s what describes what’s going on in today’s Gospel. There’s a lot going on. This man comes to say that his daughter has died, ‘Jesus, can you lay your hands on her and she will live?’ That’s a difficult one. And a woman with twelve years with a hemorrhage asks for healing. That’s a difficult one. Everything in today’s Gospel is difficult. And Jesus does them, showing that with God’s help and God’s grace these things can be done. Now what about the opposite though? I’ll extend Saint Teresa’s thought a little bit. What if God asks you or asks me for something difficult? Do we think ‘this is a burden’ or ‘this is a tragedy’ or ‘this is awful’ or can we say ‘thank you, God, for paying me that compliment’?
Carmelite homily for Friday, July 3, 2020, the Feast of Saint Thomas the Apostle – Lectionary 593 (John 20:24-29)
On the day that Saint Therese of Lisieux professed her vows in Carmel, she had written a prayer and put it in her pocket. And part of the prayer says, “Jesus, I ask you for nothing but peace, and love, infinite love; love which is no longer ‘I’ but ‘You.” This is my interpretation of this Feast of Saint Thomas the Apostle. Because we have Thomas who returns to the Upper Room after Jesus has left and he says, ‘I will not believe; I need to put my hands in the nail marks; I need to put my hand in his side.’ It’s all I, I, I. So the next time Jesus appears and Thomas does that he says, ‘My Lord and my God.’ What happened to all the I? I think that’s what Jesus does – he pulls us out of the I, the me, the selfishness – to the you, which is neighbor, which is God, which is those in need, the poor. That’s the call, the invitation, of today’s Gospel and this Feast: to not live in the I but in the you.
Carmelite homily for Thursday (Week 13), July 2, 2020 – Lectionary 380 (Matthew 9:1-8)
Saint Mary Magdalene d’Pazzi was an Italian Carmelite, a contemporary of Saint Teresa of Avila, and she writes, “Trials are nothing else but the forge that purifies the soul of all its imperfections.” I think that’s what we see in today’s Gospel, or at least my interpretation of it, when they bring the paralytic on a mat and Jesus says, ‘your sins are forgiven.’ What is forgiveness but cleansing, purifying? That’s the language we use. That whatever has put him on that mat, whatever paralyzed him, or paralyzes us, can be forgiven, cleansed, purged. But it’s those trials that bring us to great depth, bring us to a deeper heart, a purified heart, a rich heart. So let’s turn everything to Jesus and watch what happens.