
Carmelite homily for Wednesday, March 11, 2020 – Lectionary 232 (Matthew 20:17-28)

Today we have a very sad passage because Jesus tells the disciples, ‘they’re going to hand me over to the chief priests and scribes who will hand me over to the Gentiles where I’ll be scourged and mocked and crucified.’  And how do the disciples respond?  By saying, ‘who’s going to be first?’  And they send James’ and John’s mother there to even ask that question.  Saint Therese has a very different response.  Here’s what she writes, “Jesus, help me to simplify my life by learning what you want me to be and becoming that person.”  I think that’s what Jesus is asking of all of us, and asking of the disciples – not ambition – but to simplify and be who they, and who we, are called to be.  

Saint Therese of Lisieux