So Much Better to Say Nothing

Carmelite homily for Monday, February 17, 2020 – Lectionary 335 (Mark 8:11-13)

Today we have the Pharisees coming to Jesus and asking for a sign.  And the passage says that he sighed from the depth of his spirit.  Because we know there’s no pleasing the Pharisees.  They would just get into an argument and continue their self-righteousness.  I think that’s why Therese gives very good advice – very hard advice – but very good advice which, I think, Jesus is following in today’s Gospel.  Therese writes, “When we are misunderstood and judged unfavorably what good does it do to defend our explain ourselves?  It is so much better to say nothing and allow others to judge us as they please.”  Wow, is that a difficult quotation, a difficult maxim, a difficult way.  But, I think, we see Jesus in today’s Gospel doing that and calling us to do the same.