Come Out! Be Unbound!

Carmelite homily for Sunday, March 29, 2020 – Lectionary 34 (John 11:1-45)

We know Saint Therese because of her autobiography, A Story of a Soul, but she also would write to priests.  That was her mission – to support priests – especially the newly-ordained who went out on mission.  One wrote to her with scruples and feelings of inadequacy and she replies to him, “Do not waste these days of sunshine hiding in the dark of fear and anxiety.”  Great advice – for everybody.  Today we have Lazarus coming out of the tomb.  And I think we need to come out of the tomb also.  Because our tombs are oftentimes fear and anxiety.  Why do I always have to have the last word?  Fear and anxiety.  Why do I have to control everybody around me?  Fear and anxiety.  Why do I have to …. Fear and anxiety.  Jesus tells Lazarus, “Come out!” and he tells us, “Come out!  And be unbound!” from fear and anxiety.  

Days of Sunshine

Try a Different Solution

Carmelite homily for Saturday, March 28, 2020 – Lectionary 249 (John 7:40-53)

This is a great week for Gospel passages.  Now we everybody upset because of authority.  Who has the authority here?  Who is in control here?  Who has the power here?  That’s what we see in today’s Gospel passage.  John of the Cross may have a different way.  He writes, “The soul that journeys to God without shaking off its cares or quieting its appetites is like the one who drags a cart uphill.”  If your life is an uphill drag maybe a different solution?  

Saint John of the Cross

Crucified Inwardly and Outwardly

Carmelite homily for Friday, March 27, 2020 – Lectionary 248 (John 7:1-2,25-30)

In today’s Gospel there’s a lot of upset.  Jesus has to go to Jerusalem, but in secret.  The people are murmuring.  The religious leaders want to arrest him.  Lots of upset.  Is there a lot of upset in your life?  Maybe John of the Cross has a solution.  He writes, “Crucified inwardly and outwardly with Christ and you will live in this life with fullness and satisfaction.”  Isn’t that a great substitute for upset – fullness and satisfaction?  But to be crucified with Christ means to put all that aside.  Let it go to the Cross.  And you live apart from all that.  Even Saint Paul says, “I have been crucified to the world and the world to me” (in Galatians).  Same idea.  A good topic, a good path for Lent.

Saint John of the Cross

Path of Unknowing

Carmelite homily for Thursday, March 26, 2020 – Lectionary 247 (John 5:31-47)

In today’s Gospel everyone wants proof, or they want testimony, or they want evidence, but faith doesn’t work that way.  Saint John of the Cross writes, “To reach union with the wisdom of God, one must advance by unknowing, rather than knowing.”  I think that’s what Jesus is trying to communicate in today’s passage.  And what Jesus is trying to communicate to us.  If we expect to know everything, all evidence, all testimony in place, we’ll get nowhere.  We need to advance by a deeper path – unknowing.  

Saint John of the Cross

Make Us Bearers of the Word

Carmelite homily for Wednesday, March 25, 2020 – Lectionary 454 (Luke 1:26-38)

Saint Mary Magdalene D’Pazzi is a Carmelite saint about the same time as Teresa of Avila, but in Italy, in Florence.  She has a famous prayer called ‘Come, Holy Spirit.’  “

Come, Holy Spirit, let the precious pearl of the Father and the Word’s delight come.  Come, Spirit of Truth, you are the reward of the saints, the comforter of souls, light in the darkness, riches to the poor, treasure to lovers, food to the hungry, comfort to those who are wandering; to sum up, you are the one in whom all treasures are contained.  Come, as you descended upon Mary that the Word might become Flesh, work in us through grace as you worked in her through nature and grace.”  

It’s quite the cheeky prayer – that the Annunciation to Mary is the annunciation to us.  We are to be bearers of the Word ourself.  So it’s quite the meditation point as we celebrate this feast of the Annunciation.  

If Nothing Changes, Nothing Changes

Carmelite homily for Tuesday, March 24, 2020 – Lectionary 245 (John 5:1-6)

There’s an old saying: If nothing changes, nothing changes.  That describes what’s going on in today’s Gospel.  We have this lame man on the side of the pool in Bethesda waiting to be put into the water for healing – for thirty-eight years.  And Jesus says, “Do you want to be healed?” and the man says, “No one’s put me in the water.”  Nothing has changed in thirty-eight years.  He’s not heard that Jesus is offering a different solution.  Saint John of the Cross writes, “Travelers cannot reach new territory if they do not take new and unknown roads and abandon the familiar ones.”  That’s the call of today’s Gospel.  If you’re feeling stuck or just not right, maybe it’s time to try a new road?  If nothing changes, nothing changes.  

Saint John of the Cross

Step It Down

Carmelite homily for Monday, March 23, 2020 – Lectionary 244 (John 4:43-54)

In today’s Gospel we have a royal official coming to Jesus because his son is ill and asking for healing.  This would take quite the step down for a royal official to go to Jesus who the Gospels describe as a carpenter, a laborer, kind of blue-collar.  It’s quite the step down.  Teresa of Avila writes, “One act of humility is worth more than all the knowledge of the world.”  I think that’s the example of today’s Gospel and the call to us.  How many times we don’t want to do something because we don’t want to give them the satisfaction? Or they’re supposed to apologize first!  Or I’m the aggrieved party!  No humility there.  I think the call of today’s Gospel is humility.  “One act of humility is worth far more than all the knowledge of the world.”  

Saint Teresa of Avila

Abide in Peace

Carmelite homily for Sunday, March 22, 2020 – Lectionary 31 (John 9:1-41) 

On this Fourth Sunday of Lent we’re halfway through this season.  And Saint John of the Cross writes, “Abide in peace, banish cares, and take no account of all that happens – this serves God, and you will rest in him.”  In today’s Gospel there’s a lot of upset: with the man born blind, and his parents, and the Pharisees, and everyone.  And all that turmoil even exists today: the political scene, the cultural scene, and the ecclesial scene, and the Covid-19 scene.  Let’s make this our life for the second half of Lent: “Abide in peace, banish cares, and take no account of all that happens – this serves God, and you will rest in him.”  Let us rest in God. 

Saint John of the Cross

Pulled to Perfection

Carmelite homily for Saturday, March 21, 2020 – Lectionary 242 (Luke 18:9-14)

In today’s Gospel we have the well-known parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector, sometimes called the Pharisee and the Publican.  The Pharisee is up in front saying, “wow, God, look at me!  And I’m glad I’m not like that tax collector.”  And the tax collector is way in the back saying, “Have mercy on me.”  Saint John of the Cross writes, “Everyone’s actions are in direct continuity with the habit of perfection they have acquired.”  I think that’s simply the call of today’s Gospel – not to look at the Pharisee or the tax collector – but to look at ourselves.  What are our actions?  What our accusations?  What is our level of perfection we have acquired?  Maybe reach out and have the Lord pull us there. 

Saint John of the Cross

Spiraling Upward

Carmelite homily for Friday, March 20, 2020 – Lectionary 24 (Mark 12:28-34)

In today’s Gospel we have ‘The Greatest Commandment’ – to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and body; and to love your neighbor as yourself.  How do we do either one of these, though?  They’re very high, very difficult, beyond human, aren’t they?  To love God with everything?  And to love your neighbor as yourself?  To put your neighbor equal or even higher?  How do we do this?  Saint John of the Cross, I think, has the answer.  He writes, “For as the love of neighbor increases, so does the love of God; and as the love of God increases, so does the love of neighbor.”  It’s a perfect solution!  It’s love!  We love God, that enables us to love our neighbor, which then informs our love God, which then informs our love of neighbor, which informs our love of God.  And it spirals higher and higher.  So when we’re given this Great Commandment it doesn’t mean to do it now.  I think it means do it and grow into it and spiral higher through a lifetime of love of God and love of neighbor.  

Saint John of the Cross