
Carmelite homily for Friday, February 14, 2020 – Lectionary 333 (Mark 7:31-37)

Today we have a man with a speech impediment being brought to Jesus and Jesus touches his ears and touches his tongue and says, “Ephphatha; be opened!”  How long did this man have this impediment?  Is it a good thing?  Yes!  It’s a good thing!  Because without this impediment this man would never have met Jesus.  Without this impediment he would not have had this good thing happen.  Without this impediment he wouldn’t have gone out and told everyone and become an evangelist.  Saint John of the Cross writes, “See that you are not saddened by the adversities of this world; for you do not see the good that they bring.”  I think that’s what’s happening in today’s Gospel. 

Interior Goodness / Interior Castle

Carmelite homily for Wednesday, February 12, 2020 – Lectionary 331 (Mark 7:14-23)

Saint Teresa of Avila’s best known work is called The Interior Castle, where she uses the image of ‘castle’ to be you or to be me.  And that our journey is a journey deeper and deeper into the castle.  At the very beginning of the book she writes, “We consider our soul to be like a castle made entirely out of diamond; a paradise where the Lord finds his delight.”  In today’s Gospel we have all that comes out of the man defiles him; but what else is in the man but goodness and life and the Lord himself, where the Lord finds his delight.  So I think the deeper we penetrate the castle, the deeper we understand ourselves, the deeper we know ourselves, the less defilement and the more aggrandizement, the more goodness, the more love, the more life.  That’s the invitation of today’s Gospel.  

Aim to Please

Carmelite homily for Tuesday, February 11, 2020 – Lectionary 330 (Mark 7:1-13)

In today’s Gospel we have Jesus condemning loopholes.  The people are called to do the weightier things of the Law, like take care of one another or honor parents; and they get out of it by loopholes.  Well, Jesus condemns these loopholes.  Saint Teresa of Avila writes, “Let us walk with sincerity before God aiming at pleasing him alone and not people.”  Because if we’re working on loopholes, we’re working not for the good of the people, and definitely not the will of God, nor our own growth.  So let us work at pleasing God today.  

Healing Smile

Carmelite homily for Monday, February 10, 2020 – Lectionary 329 (Mark 6:53-56)

In the autobiography, Story of a Soul, of Saint Therese, she talks about one of the sisters who displeased her in everything – her ways, her manner, her speech – everything displeased her.  And Therese wanted to run whenever this sister approached.  But, she writes, “I am resolved to do for this sister what I would do for the person I love the most.”  So every time this sister came in the room, or when they were at recreation, or working together, Therese, who really wanted to run away, would smile instead.  And it brought healing and brought peace, and joy, to the whole convent.  I think that’s the invitation of today’s Gospel.  Yes, Jesus is healing the multitudes and we say, how could we do that?  I think all it takes is a simple smile to bring healing to the multitudes. 

Bland or Zesty

Carmelite homily for Sunday, February 9, 2020 – Lectionary 73 (Matthew 5:13-16) 

In today’s Gospel we have interesting images – that YOU are the salt of the earth; that YOU are the light of the world. What is Jesus getting at?  I think it’s what adds zest and energy to life, and that’s love.  Food without salt is bland.  Beauty without light is invisible.  That love adds so much.  Saint Therese of Lisieux writes, “Without love even the most brilliant deeds count as nothing.”  So you can have the most brilliant food; it’s bland without salt.  The most brilliant art; it’s bland without light.  Be light, be love, be salt, be Jesus, today.  

Alone With

Carmelite homily for Saturday, February 8, 2020 – Lectionary 328 (Mark 6:30-34)

In the Gospel passage we have for today Jesus takes the disciples and crosses the lake to a deserted spot so they can get some rest.  But the crowds follow and that’s that.  But the invitation is to not to forgo rest, but to find the deserted spots, to relax, and refresh and rejuvenate – and to pray.  Saint Teresa of Avila says, “Prayer means taking time frequently to be alone with him we know loves us.”  That’s the invitation of today’s Gospel passage.  

Step By Step

Today’s Gospel is a grim story – the execution or the beheading of John the Baptist.  And how did things get so bad?  Because it begins by saying that Herod liked to listen to John.  Well, Saint John of the Cross writes, “Through the practice of one virtue all the virtues grow; and through the indulgence of one vice all the vices and their effects grow.”  I think it’s as simple as that.  Herod didn’t get to this point like that – click.  I think it’s by step by step indulgence.  Nor do we get to heaven like that – click.  It’s by step by step practice of virtue.  That’s the call of today’s Gospel.