The Door to Favors

Carmelite homily for Monday, February 24, 2020 – Lectionary 341 (Mark 9:14-29)

In today’s Gospel the people bring to the disciples a boy who has convulsions.  And the disciples can’t heal this boy, so they bring him to Jesus, and Jesus does heal him.  And the disciples ask, “Why couldn’t we do that?”  And he says, “Well, this one could only be healed by prayer.”  But the call is not  just for the difficult cases to pray, but to pray always, even for the easy cases.  Here’s what Saint Teresa of Avila has to say, “I say only that prayer is the door to favors as great as those the Lord granted me.  If this door is closed, I don’t know how he will grant them.”  So let’s leave the miracles to the Lord, the answers to the Lord, let’s leave everything to the Lord – except prayer.  Let’s do that, and see what happens.  

Be Ye Perfect

Carmelite homily for Sunday, February 23, 2020 – Lectionary 79 (Matthew 5:38-48)

The last line of today’s Gospel says, “So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect.”  And sometimes we can hear this and say – oh, I’ve got to be perfect then; I can’t make any mistakes; I can’t make any failures; I cannot sin; I’ve got to be —  ‘ahhhh’ – uptight.  And that’s not what it means at all.  Because if you take it in the whole context, the Father lets the sun shine on the good and the bad alike and the rain fall on the just and the unjust alike, means to treat everyone with love.  Here’s what Saint Teresa of Avila has to write about this.  This comes from her book, The Way of Perfection (it makes sense), “Zeal for perfection is in itself a good thing.  But it could follow that every fault the sisters commit will seem to you a serious breach; and you are careful to observe when they commit them, where they commit them, and then go and inform the prioress.  Often, you don’t see your own faults because of your intense zeal for the religious observance of everybody else.  What the devil is hereby aiming at is no small thing; namely, the cooling of charity and love the sisters have for one another.  So, let each one look to herself only.  For perfection consists of love of God and love of neighbor; whereas, perfectionism comes from the devil.”  So let’s not confuse ‘perfection’ and ‘perfectionism’ today. 

Your Name is Spouse

Carmelite homily for Saturday, February 22, 2020 – Lectionary 535 (Matthew 16:13-19) – the Chair of Peter

In the Gospel for this Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter, Jesus asks of his disciples, “Who do people say that I am?”  And they give a bunch of answers and finally Simon says, “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.”  And Jesus turns to him and says, “Your name is Peter.”  He gives him a special name.  But Jesus gives us a special name.  Here’s what Saint Teresa of Avila has to write, “To always live in calm desire to rejoice solely in Christ, one’s spouse.”  That’s the name Jesus, as we get closer and closer to him, gives us: spouse.  So, yes, that’s what we celebrate on this Feast of the Chair of Peter – our espousal.  

Why the Cross?

Carmelite homily for Friday, February 21, 2020 – Lectionary 339 (Mark 8:34-9:1)

On the cover of the most recent issue of the Sword, a Carmelite publication, there’s a picture of Jesus carrying the cross followed by a bunch of Carmelites all dressed in the white part of their habit, this part, carrying their cross.  They’re all carrying the cross.  And that seems to be what today’s Gospel is asking us – that we all need to carry the cross.  But why? I think Teresa of Avila has a great answer.  Here’s what she writes, “If the soil is well-cultivated by trials, persecutions, criticisms, and illnesses – for few there must be who reach this stage without them – and it is softened by living in great detachment from self-interest, the water soaks in so deep that one is never dry.”  That’s why the cross.  To sum up, to get us past our ego, our desire, me, I; and to get me to Jesus, to the other, to God.  That’s why the cross.  

Interior Goodness / Interior Castle

Carmelite homily for Wednesday, February 12, 2020 – Lectionary 331 (Mark 7:14-23)

Saint Teresa of Avila’s best known work is called The Interior Castle, where she uses the image of ‘castle’ to be you or to be me.  And that our journey is a journey deeper and deeper into the castle.  At the very beginning of the book she writes, “We consider our soul to be like a castle made entirely out of diamond; a paradise where the Lord finds his delight.”  In today’s Gospel we have all that comes out of the man defiles him; but what else is in the man but goodness and life and the Lord himself, where the Lord finds his delight.  So I think the deeper we penetrate the castle, the deeper we understand ourselves, the deeper we know ourselves, the less defilement and the more aggrandizement, the more goodness, the more love, the more life.  That’s the invitation of today’s Gospel.  

Aim to Please

Carmelite homily for Tuesday, February 11, 2020 – Lectionary 330 (Mark 7:1-13)

In today’s Gospel we have Jesus condemning loopholes.  The people are called to do the weightier things of the Law, like take care of one another or honor parents; and they get out of it by loopholes.  Well, Jesus condemns these loopholes.  Saint Teresa of Avila writes, “Let us walk with sincerity before God aiming at pleasing him alone and not people.”  Because if we’re working on loopholes, we’re working not for the good of the people, and definitely not the will of God, nor our own growth.  So let us work at pleasing God today.  

Alone With

Carmelite homily for Saturday, February 8, 2020 – Lectionary 328 (Mark 6:30-34)

In the Gospel passage we have for today Jesus takes the disciples and crosses the lake to a deserted spot so they can get some rest.  But the crowds follow and that’s that.  But the invitation is to not to forgo rest, but to find the deserted spots, to relax, and refresh and rejuvenate – and to pray.  Saint Teresa of Avila says, “Prayer means taking time frequently to be alone with him we know loves us.”  That’s the invitation of today’s Gospel passage.  

Perfection versus Perfectionism

Carmelite homily for Thursday, January 30, 2020 – Lectionary 320 (Mark 4:21-25)

In her book, The Way of Perfection, Saint Teresa of Avila, of course, speaks about perfection.  And here’s what she writes (this is very good!), “Zeal for perfection is in itself a good thing.  But it could follow that every fault the sisters commit will seem to you a serious breach and you will be careful to observe when they commit them.  And when they commit them go and inform the prioress.  Often you don’t see your own faults because of your intense zeal for the religious observance of everybody else.  So let each one look to herself only, for perfection consists of love of God and love of neighbor; whereas, perfectionism comes from the devil.”  In today’s Gospel, Jesus is talking about how everything hidden will be made known, will be revealed.  Let’s not make that our job.  Let’s make our job zeal for perfection in love of God and love of neighbor, and let God take care of everything else.  As Teresa of Avila warns us – anything else comes from the devil. 

Good Companions

Carmelite homily for Friday, January 17, 2020 – Lectionary 309

In today’s Gospel we have the well-known story of a group of men bringing their friend, who’s a paralytic, to Jesus.  But can’t get near him because of the crowds, so they climb up on the roof with that man, open up the roof, and lower the stretcher down in front of Jesus.  Quite the feat.  Teresa of Avila says, “God accords great favor with anyone placed with good companions.”  Of course, she means the foundation of her new convents, reformed convents, but I think that rule applies to a lot larger than that.  When we have good friends, caring friends, supportive friends, great accords come our way.

But It’s Supposed to be Dirty

Carmelite homily for Thursday, January 16, 2020 – Lectionary 308

In today’s Gospel we have a leper come to Jesus and asking to be made clean; and Jesus does heal the leprosy, does make the man clean.  Teresa of Avila says, “Don’t you think, Lord, it would be good that the inn where you have chosen to dwell were not to get so dirty?”  Actually, I think, the inn is supposed to be dirty.  That’s where our mission is.  This man’s mission was in his leprosy.  With the cleansing he went out and proclaimed the good news.  We oftentimes think of these things as afflictions or problems or failings.  They’re actually blessings and gifts from God.  So, yes, the inn is to be dirty – for the Lord to cleanse and us to proclaim.