Why the Cross?

Carmelite homily for Friday, February 21, 2020 – Lectionary 339 (Mark 8:34-9:1)

On the cover of the most recent issue of the Sword, a Carmelite publication, there’s a picture of Jesus carrying the cross followed by a bunch of Carmelites all dressed in the white part of their habit, this part, carrying their cross.  They’re all carrying the cross.  And that seems to be what today’s Gospel is asking us – that we all need to carry the cross.  But why? I think Teresa of Avila has a great answer.  Here’s what she writes, “If the soil is well-cultivated by trials, persecutions, criticisms, and illnesses – for few there must be who reach this stage without them – and it is softened by living in great detachment from self-interest, the water soaks in so deep that one is never dry.”  That’s why the cross.  To sum up, to get us past our ego, our desire, me, I; and to get me to Jesus, to the other, to God.  That’s why the cross.