A Really Delightful Flower

Monday, December 5, 2019 – Immaculate Conception — Carmelite homily for Lectionary 689

Carmel means “Garden of God.”  Carm = Garden; El = God.  And so there’s this tie with flower throughout Carmelite literature and Carmelite spirituality.  That’s why Therese calls herself a “Little Flower” because she compares herself to the big flowers, the prize roses like John or Teresa.  Mary, according to Titus Brandsma, her symbol is the sunflower because it follows the sun but with its head down.  Today the Church celebrates this great Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception – a delightful flower in the world’s and in Carmel’s garden.  We’re named after Mary, after all.  Saint Titus Brandsma says, “The devotion to Mary is one of the most delightful flowers in Carmel’s garden.”  That’s what we celebrate today: a really delightful flower in Carmel’s garden.