Belonging to the Holy Spirit

Carmelite homily for Sunday (Easter VI), May 17, 2020 – Lectionary 55 (John 14:15-21)

In today’s Gospel Jesus says that if you love him, you will keep his commandments; the Father will send the Advocate, the Spirit the world cannot accept.  What does all that mean?  I think it means – what is our starting point?  Do we start with ourselves?  Do we start with God?  Saint Therese of Lisieux writes, “My thoughts belong to the Holy Spirit; they’re not mine.  Without the Spirit of Love we cannot call God our Father.”  I think the call is to begin with God; begin with the Holy Spirit.  That’s where it all begins with anyway, so let us start there.  And we’ll find the Advocate is in our lives.  God is with us.  The Spirit helps us to call God our Father.  

Saint Therese of Lisieux