A homily for the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
In today’s gospel, Jesus gives us his mission statement. It’s what he’s going to do. It’s the beginning of Luke’s gospel. He comes in the synagogue, they hand him the scroll, and he announces this passage, and it’s his mission statement, what he is going to do. He says, The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor, proclaim liberty to captives, recovery of sight to the blind, let the oppressed go free, and to proclaim your a favor from the Lord.
This is what he’s going to do. He announces this is his action. That’s what a mission statement is. A mission statement is what you’re doing. This comes from perplexity.ai a great search engine and I asked it, what is the difference between a mission statement and a vision statement? A mission statement articulates, for current purposes of an organization, what is the organization doing? Who does it serve and how does it create value? Don’t you see these things in Jesus’s proclamation? This is his vision. Now, in the next passage, which we will not hear because they cut it a little early he gives us his vision statement. What is a vision statement? A vision statement outlines the aspirational future of the organization. What does it hope to accomplish in the long term?
Where is it going? He gives us his vision statement, which is very interesting. He says were there no widows in the time of Elijah that Elijah went to a widow of Sarah? Were there no lepers in Israel at the time of Elisha the prophet that Syrian, they were in the Syrian went to Elija He’s telling us his vision is this is for the whole world, not just for a small group, for the tribe.
His mission is for the whole world. That’s his vision to make religion worldwide, to make this favor oppressed go free. Sight to the blind for the entire world. What’s interesting is they didn’t like his vision. And so when they heard that, they took him to the edge of the hill to throw him off because they didn’t like the vision, they like the vision.
They liked the mission, as long as its for me, they didn’t like the vision. But it’s for everyone. What about us? What’s your mission? We all have a mission. Get through the day or eat, drink and be merry. Tomorrow you will die. Or, one of our guys, he always has to have the last word, even complete your own sentences. He’s going to be the smartest guy in the room.
Is that your mission? And what’s your vision? Do you have a vision? I think that’s the call of today’s gospel. To look. How are you living? What are you doing today? That’s your mission. And what do you hope to get do with this? That’s your vision. Let’s look at your look at your own life. Let me look at my own life.
Let’s put together our mission, our vision, and see how close this is to Jesus. His beautiful mission.
Now, meanwhile, you’ll notice that we’ve had some damage in the garden. We had a vandal, I think a mentally ill person who broke, Teresa of Avila off her base and, did a little bit of damage. Mentally ill wasn’t malicious, but if you can help out, you can go to our website and help put this garden back in order after its vandalism.
For that and for everything, just thank you.