Flowers in the Garden of God

Carmelite homily for Lectionary 480 – Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Carmel means “Garden of God” – Carm-El.  That’s why the saints, the Carmelites saints, are likened to flowers, like the Little Flower called herself “Little Flower.”  Here’s what Titus Brandsma in his book, “Carmelite Mysticism Historical Sketches,” says about Mary.  “Mary is like a sunflower.  This flower rises high above the other flowers.  It is a simple flower.  It can grow in all gardens.  It is tall and firm with deep roots, always pointing towards the sun, yet keeping its head down in humility.”  Today, in the Gospel, Jesus uses agricultural – gardening – metaphors.  What kind of flower are you?  Are you a weed?  Are you a beautiful flower?  Are you like Therese, a simple flower?