
Carmelite homily for Thursday, November 28, 2019 | Thanksgiving Day | Lectionary 945

Note: This post is a rerun from November 13th, since the Gospel passage, Luke 17:11-19, is the same passage for today.

In today’s Gospel we have the well-known story of the ten lepers who come to Jesus for healing.  And he does it!  But only one returns.  And he asks, “Where are the other nine?”  Well, the other nine may say, “I didn’t ask for leprosy, why should I say thanks?  I didn’t do this to myself.”  Therese reminds us, though, “Prayer is a cry of gratitude and love in the midst of trial as well as in joy.”  That may be hard to remember, hard to implement, hard to do – just like the nine who wandered away.  But it is true, “Prayer is a cry of gratitude and love in the midst of trial as well as in joy.”  Let’s try to remember that.