Precious in God’s Sight

Carmelite homily for Friday, March 6, 2020 – Lectionary 228 (Matthew 5:20-26) 

Today’s Gospel mentions your brother or your neighbor a lot.  Don’t get angry with your brother.  Don’t call your brother names.  If you remember you have something against your brother be reconciled.  If you brother takes you to court just let him do that.  It’s all on how we treat one another.  This is what Saint John of the Cross has to say, “Your neighbor will be precious in God’s sight for reasons that you may not have in mind.”  I think that’s part of the reason we treat our brother, our neighbor so well; cause, we don’t know what’s motivating, what the intentions are, what’s going on there – God does.  So let God do the judgement, I think, is the bottom line of today’s Gospel.  

Saint John of the Cross